Welcome To Cannabuzz Columnist

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by. I'm excited to be transitioning from newspapers to this platform. (You can read more about the history of Cannabuzz in the "About" section of the site.) I'll continue to offer wide ranging coverage of Cannabis and CBD, although there won't be much about events, or new

Weedmaps Subpoenaed By Feds

A potentially explosive announcement came out this week that Weedmaps, the website and app used by millions to locate dispensaries and delivery services, has been subpoenaed by the Feds to share information about how, and with whom, they do business. This seemingly is being done by the Feds to take action

Why The Cannabis “Black Market” Continue To Thrive

The rapidly growing cannabis industry has a complicated relationship with the competing retail sector often described with a loaded term: the Black Market. “Black Market” is a reference to exchanges where seller and buyer deal in illegal goods and/or avoid taxes and regulations by conducting their business “in the shadows,” hence

Los Angeles Expunges 66,000 Cannabis Convictions

Few things are perfect, and that includes the manner in which legalized adult-use cannabis programs have been regulated. While it’s easy and fun to list all the ways regulatory agencies have, and continue, to screw things up, the good parts include increased access to clean, tested cannabis products, abundant tax

Cannabis Now Employs Nearly 250,000

Leafly has released their fourth annual Cannabis Jobs Report, and despite the troubling news of hundreds of recent industry layoffs, cannabis remains a fast track growth industry. The numbers and industry expansion are impressive, but are still just a fraction of what would be possible when cannabis is eventually made legal.

Oregonians Produce Record Amounts of Cannabis in 2019

A new report by the Oregon Liquor Control Commision (OLCC) gives us a clearer answer to the question "how many cannabis growers are there and how much cannabis did the state produce in 2019?" (Albeit with data limited to licensed recreational growers, and not your “four plants” or however many your

Canada Consumes Copious Quantities of Cannabis Edibles

A woman looks out over a lake, mountains and trees, her back is to the camera, and she wears a hat. She is wrapped in a Canadian flag.

To the North, the people once again doing a better job with virtually every aspect of their society than we are, Canada, continues the development of their nationwide cannabis program with new product categories coming to market, resulting in what the Toronto Sun dubbed “Edibles Madness.” Cannabis flower has been legal

Cannabis Forecast for 2020

There are no shortages of new year predictions for the cannabis industry. Having just wrapped up a tumultuous year that saw a bloodbath of job and financial losses in the US and Canada, there have been a cavalcade of reports, articles, and blog pieces predicting what we can expect in

Alcohol Deaths On the Rise, as Cannabis Slows Alcohol Sales

There’s been a recent flurry of news stories regarding how establishing a regulated cannabis program impacts the sale and use of alcohol. And there’s also a number of stories about how alcohol abuse is on the rise in some sectors, while on the decline in others. Let’s start with a look

Drones Delivering The Dro Coming To Seattle?

When cannabis was legalized in Washington in 2012, jokes soon followed that it was just a matter of time until Amazon “starts a service to deliver cannabis to your front door via drone.” That hasn’t happened—yet—but recent news indicates it may not be that far off. Last month, Seattle based GRN

Robberies Of Washington State Cannabis Facilities Leads to Changes

Officials at the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WLCB) have responded to requests from numerous cannabis businesses to make a change in the way information about the businesses is shared with the public. After several cannabis businesses were recently burglarized, the WLCB has agreed to remove a map on its

Illinois and Michigan To Start Legalized Cannabis Programs

One midwestern state recently began, and another is about to begin, regulated cannabis sales, and it’s worth looking at what numbers have been racked up for the first, and what's expected for the other. First up, Michigan—whose state motto makes it sound like they may already be high (“Si quaeris peninsulam

Children Are Not Accessing Cannabis Through Dispensaries

One of the ongoing arguments by cannabis prohibitionists is that establishment of a regulated cannabis program will result in those under 21 having increased access to cannabis through dispensary sales. “Our children don’t need to be buying weed from these stores” is a common complaint, and the cannabis industry agrees. No,

Cannabis Loses in the Legislature

In 2019, optimism was in short supply no matter the subject, save cannabis. Numerous blogs, columns, and discussions revolved around how this was the year things were going to change, with many adding that 2020 would see full scale federal legalization. It’s all happening now, people! Except it didn’t, and likely

Reviewing the Year in Hemp

2019 was arguably the biggest year for hemp since 1937, when it, along with all forms of cannabis, was first criminalized. The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act has had explosive, though uneven, results. As with cannabis, rules and regulations for hemp vary from