Los Angeles Expunges 66,000 Cannabis Convictions

Few things are perfect, and that includes the manner in which legalized adult-use cannabis programs have been regulated. While it’s easy and fun to list all the ways regulatory agencies have, and continue, to screw things up, the good parts include increased access to clean, tested cannabis products, abundant tax

Neil Young Likes Cannabis. The Feds Don’t Like That.

Today is Neil Young’s 74th birthday. He’s a grandmaster of musical artists, and the canon of recorded music is far richer thanks to the contributions of the Godfather of Grunge. He’s been recognized for his talents, having received several Grammys; the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted him twice;

L.A’s Cannabis Licensing Process for Social Equity Applicants Called Out as Fiasco

A crucial component of any medical or recreational cannabis program should be the concept of “social equity.” Much like the terms “organic,” “natural,” and “social media influencer,” it can be overused and void of any real meaning, but in general, social equity in cannabis is the idea that support and preference

Mickey Hart “Mind Your Head” Cannabis Line Launches For Grateful Fans

Celebrity endorsements of cannabis may be irritating (looking at you, then quickly looking away, Post Malone) or deeply offensive (Hell will see you soon enough, John Boehner). Sometimes the relationship between cannabis and public figures seems tenuous at best, leaving consumers to question if the endorser is truly a joker, a

Biggie Smalls Estate Entering The Cannabis Industry

I've written (okay, fine, bitched) about the number of celebrities entering the cannabis space, and while it may be well intentioned, it doesn't always sit well with consumers who want their weed brands to have a legitimate connection to the industry. A celebrity brand that gives back something to the community

San Francisco Expunges Over 9,000 Cannabis Convictions

Despite its history of flower children and Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco has always had a rather vigorous and overly enthusiastic law enforcement system which perhaps didn't, um, work well with communities of color. Some unfun facts: In 2010-2011, Blacks made up six percent of the population of San Francisco; during that same