A potentially explosive announcement came out this week that Weedmaps, the website and app used by millions to locate dispensaries and delivery services, has been subpoenaed by the Feds to share information about how, and with whom, they do business. This seemingly is being done by the Feds to take action
Tag: black market cannabis
Vapocalypse: 2020
Just one month in, 2020 has proved to be a... challenging... year on many fronts, but some small comfort can be taken that the EVALI crisis seems to have substantially abated. New cases have slowed to a trickle, and the educational campaign strongly encouraging people to cease purchasing and consuming vape
Washington State Wants To Water Down Concentrates
A group of Washington State lawmakers have put forth a bill which, while being well intentioned, could result in greater harm to the group of cannabis consumers they're expressing concern over protecting. It would also drastically reduce the quality and selection of products available to cannabis consumers, and send Washington consumers
Portland’s Shadowbox Farms Was Robbed of Cannabis, Carts
Authorities Seize 10 Million Cannabis Plants Posing as Hemp
Vapocalypse 2019: Avoid Illicit Cartridges
We still don’t have all the answers about the recent rash of vaping-related hospitalizations and deaths, but among the information recently emerging is that some of these cases are related to illicit THC cartridges, AKA products from the black market. Such markets thrive in states that do not have a regulated
Vaping Crisis Update, and Don’t Fuck With Fake Cartridges
Florida Having Issues With Cannabis Enforcement, Because Science
California Still Battling Illegal Cannabis Growers
California is still making its way through the weeds (thanks, I'm here all week...) as far as its adult-use cannabis program goes, and the focus lately has been working for the clampdown on the illicit marketplace. A few recent activities give insight as to how that's going. Let's start with illicit
Illegal Cannabis Grows On Federal Lands Down in Oregon, Washington
Among the bad things cannabis prohibition wrought was the environmental damage brought on by illicit growers who secretly set up shop in our big, beautiful national forests. These growers weren't striving for permaculture—no Clean Green organic certification in these operation. In fact, one of the not-so-secret shames of the cannabis industry
Cannabis Grow Licenses In Oregon May Be Limited
Earlier this year, a state bill to limit new recreational cannabis licenses was defeated, with an argument coming from Republicans that the cannabis industry should be dealt with by the free market like any other commodity. A new bill could change that. Per KTVZ, a Central Oregon NBC affiliate, Senate Bill 218
Record Cannabis Bust In Southern Oregon
The Secret Ingredient in Madrid Hashish Isn’t Good
Cannabis News Catch Up
Here’s some news you may have missed while you were doing your “pot weed.” New Jersey Tokers Are Paying Way Too Much On March 7, authorities at a Philadelphia shipping port discovered 614 pounds of cannabis hidden in a shipping container originating from Puerto Rico and bound for New Jersey. While it was
Florida Man Does Stupid Stuff With Cannabis
If there's a news story that involves bizarre, stupid, or downright stupid and bizarre behavior, it's usually taking place in the state most likely to not be missed when the climate change floods come. Don't @ me, I'm right about this. I've lived in Florida, so I speak with some unwanted authority. There's