Leafly has released their fourth annual Cannabis Jobs Report, and despite the troubling news of hundreds of recent industry layoffs, cannabis remains a fast track growth industry. The numbers and industry expansion are impressive, but are still just a fraction of what would be possible when cannabis is eventually made legal.
Tag: Oklahoma medical cannabis
Cannabis Loses in the Legislature
In 2019, optimism was in short supply no matter the subject, save cannabis. Numerous blogs, columns, and discussions revolved around how this was the year things were going to change, with many adding that 2020 would see full scale federal legalization. It’s all happening now, people! Except it didn’t, and likely
Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma is Big Business
There's a great deal of justified concerns and complaints regarding how the implementation of Oregon’s recreational cannabis plan decimated the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) , the state’s long running medical cannabis system. It’s resulted in fewer growers for patients, increased regulations and expense for those remaining OMMP growers, and