Drive By Truckers frontmen “quarantine shows” are perfect stoned soundtracks

The Drive By Truckers have achieved a storied, decades long career filled with both critical and commercial success, and aside from some personnel changes in the early years, the constant throughout has been the magic of The Dimmer Twins - co-frontmen Patterson Hood and Mike Cooley. After playing together for some

Welcome To Cannabuzz Columnist

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by. I'm excited to be transitioning from newspapers to this platform. (You can read more about the history of Cannabuzz in the "About" section of the site.) I'll continue to offer wide ranging coverage of Cannabis and CBD, although there won't be much about events, or new

Positions of Presidential Candidates on Cannabis

The White House

The Black Mirror-like reality show that is our upcoming presidential election is down to two candidates for the Democratic nomination (one if you believe the national press, though with the COVID-19 crisis upending everything... all bets are off), with the eventual nominee running against the semi-sentient, rotting sack of KFC,

Cannabis Caused an Unwanted 12 Hour Erection

Most of what I put forth in the written word in this space seeks to educate and inform, including calls to action, product reviews, breakthroughs in cannabis research, and legislation pertaining to cannabis reform among other topics. Then, every once in while... not so much. Dear reader, this right here is

Clemency Given to Drug War Prisoners

This week, the semi-sentient sack of rotting half-masticated KFC and fearful hate, Donald Trump, pardoned and commuted the criminal charges of a bunch of trashy white men, including all-stars such as former Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich, Michael “Junk Bond King” Milken, and former New York City police commissioner Bernard

Los Angeles Expunges 66,000 Cannabis Convictions

Few things are perfect, and that includes the manner in which legalized adult-use cannabis programs have been regulated. While it’s easy and fun to list all the ways regulatory agencies have, and continue, to screw things up, the good parts include increased access to clean, tested cannabis products, abundant tax

Cannabis Now Employs Nearly 250,000

Leafly has released their fourth annual Cannabis Jobs Report, and despite the troubling news of hundreds of recent industry layoffs, cannabis remains a fast track growth industry. The numbers and industry expansion are impressive, but are still just a fraction of what would be possible when cannabis is eventually made legal.

Oregonians Produce Record Amounts of Cannabis in 2019

A new report by the Oregon Liquor Control Commision (OLCC) gives us a clearer answer to the question "how many cannabis growers are there and how much cannabis did the state produce in 2019?" (Albeit with data limited to licensed recreational growers, and not your “four plants” or however many your

OLCC Hits Cura With Record $110,000 Fine

In news from the “Department of Dubious Achievements,” local cannabis powerhouse Cura Partners, which promotes itself as the “largest cannabis oil company in Oregon and California” now lays claim to another “largest”—the largest ever fine in OLCC history, be it cannabis or alcohol. This was well covered by Pete Danko at