Alcohol Deaths On the Rise, as Cannabis Slows Alcohol Sales

There’s been a recent flurry of news stories regarding how establishing a regulated cannabis program impacts the sale and use of alcohol. And there’s also a number of stories about how alcohol abuse is on the rise in some sectors, while on the decline in others. Let’s start with a look

Canadian Government Does Not Want “Fun” Used To Market Cannabis. Um, Okay.

Oregon has some issues with how we regulate our cannabis programs, with truly baffling and seemingly self-defeating rules and regulations. For example, those who grow and process cannabis are forbidden from sharing samples with legal-aged consumers, because, um... look, don’t worry about why, they just are, okay? Rules are rules! Even if

Canada Bets On Cultivation Of Colombian Cannabis

While Canada sorts out the inevitable challenges that arise when an entire country legalizes cannabis, it remains a money magnet for cannabis investors, who are throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at the Canuck kush scene. After initial hiccups, sales are like you after a seventh dab—really high, and getting higher.

Canadian Cannabis Update

Let’s check in on how Canada’s doing with its national legalization of cannabis, four months in. It’s the largest cannabis legalization program ever undertaken, and even though Americans do terribly in learning from other countries (or from history), perhaps we can buck that trend and take away some insight from the

Recreational Canadian Cannabis Sales Begin Today

A woman looks out over a lake, mountains and trees, her back is to the camera, and she wears a hat. She is wrapped in a Canadian flag.

Starting today, the poutine-loving, Celine Dion-blasting, hockey-playing, moose-wrestling residents of Canada may now legally purchase cannabis all across their fine country. That's right: It's now legal, nationwide. Which leads me to the question, "Who in Canada would like to marry a cannabis columnist who is seeking to flee the flaming sewer bomb