Illinois and Michigan To Start Legalized Cannabis Programs

One midwestern state recently began, and another is about to begin, regulated cannabis sales, and it’s worth looking at what numbers have been racked up for the first, and what's expected for the other. First up, Michigan—whose state motto makes it sound like they may already be high (“Si quaeris peninsulam

3 Pounds Of Cannabis Results in Life Sentence

Legalized cannabis programs have generated tax revenue and created jobs, and have also moved cities and counties to implement expungement programs to remove previous cannabis-related arrests and convictions. But these programs only go so far, and there are still those who may not be eligible for expungement but deserve their freedom. Should

Majority of Cannabis Ballot Measures Pass

A scattering of small round stickers reading "I voted" lay on a white table

Last night we saw (thank god) a Blue Wave. And as primary-school finger painting taught me, you can't make green without blue—and there was also a Green Wave last night as well. As I wrote yesterday, four states had cannabis-related measures on the ballot—two with medical programs (Missouri and Utah), and

Four States With Cannabis On The Ballot

I middle aged woman wearing a black jacket and dark sunglasses holds up a yellow handmade sign reading Grab Em By The Mid Terms. she is in the middle of the Million Woman March.

I didn't realize it until I woke up this morning, but was anyone else aware there's an election today? It hasn't been much in the news, and the TV commercials have been few and far between, but I did some digging, called a few sources for confirmation, and sure enough, there