For decades, cannabis research has been criminally negligent, due to backward, fear-based, repressive prohibitionist beliefs. There's a school of thought which believes this may be due in part to Big Pharmaceutical not wanting the public to have a more comprehensive understanding of a plant that you can grow yourself and might
Tag: medical cannabis
Positions of Presidential Candidates on Cannabis
The Black Mirror-like reality show that is our upcoming presidential election is down to two candidates for the Democratic nomination (one if you believe the national press, though with the COVID-19 crisis upending everything... all bets are off), with the eventual nominee running against the semi-sentient, rotting sack of KFC,
Cannabis Bulletproof Coffee Is The Greatest Ever
Illinois and Michigan To Start Legalized Cannabis Programs
One midwestern state recently began, and another is about to begin, regulated cannabis sales, and it’s worth looking at what numbers have been racked up for the first, and what's expected for the other. First up, Michigan—whose state motto makes it sound like they may already be high (“Si quaeris peninsulam
Penalties for Cannabis Use in Major League Baseball to Ease
Major League Baseball (MLB)—a sport that I've always found far more interesting when high—announced last week they're changing how they treat their players who use cannabis. It’s a decision designed as part of a harm reduction strategy for other more dangerous, and sometimes fatal, substances. Beginning with spring training 2020, MLB
Cannabis Superior to OTC Sleep Aids
University of Mississippi To Grow Even More Trash “Cannabis” in 2020
Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma is Big Business
There's a great deal of justified concerns and complaints regarding how the implementation of Oregon’s recreational cannabis plan decimated the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) , the state’s long running medical cannabis system. It’s resulted in fewer growers for patients, increased regulations and expense for those remaining OMMP growers, and
How Bad Is Government Cannabis? I Had It Tested. Elvy Musikka Interview Part 2
In my last column, I interviewed Elvy Musikka, one of two remaining Americans to receive medical marijuana from the federal government, which is grown at the University of Mississippi. We were both curious about the potency and terpenes in the six pounds of cannabis pre-rolls provided to her every year, so
New Study Shows Cannabis Can Treat PTSD Symptoms
Cannabis has a number of benefits for those who use it, including offering relief from stress, pain, insomnia, low appetite, and compromised libido. There's also longstanding anecdotal evidence that it’s good for one of the most widespread and growing health issues: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A study released last week shows that
How Bad Is Federally Grown Weed? Let’s Find Out. Elvy Musikka Interview, Part One
Cannabis Stocks Are Getting Smoked
Protanicals Tinctures Expertly Blend Cannabis and Botanicals
Lab Produces Synthetic THC and CBD Acids
DEA Hinders Legitimate Cannabis Research
Go ahead and mock my Reynolds-Wrap-hat mentality, but I think there may be a government agency working against the interests of legitimate cannabis research. Is it a conspiracy? Ha ha, no, it’s just the Drug Enforcement Administration, doing what they do best: getting in the way and slowing things down like