Five Cannabis Brands You Should Know

Corporations suck, and so does corporate cannabis. Buy and get high locally with these stellar Oregon brands. 7 Points Oregon Cannabis The first time I heard of a “veganic growing” method, I thought was being punked for an episode of Portlandia. But the choice to forgo all animal products, such as manure or

Seniors Chronic Pain Can Be Treated With Cannabis

Many of us have a grandparent or elderly family member who, under doctors' orders, are taking more pharmaceuticals than they would like for chronic pain, side effects and all. But with more states allowing cannabis access through medical and recreational adult-use programs, some seniors are coming around to the idea that

Canadian Cannabis Update

Let’s check in on how Canada’s doing with its national legalization of cannabis, four months in. It’s the largest cannabis legalization program ever undertaken, and even though Americans do terribly in learning from other countries (or from history), perhaps we can buck that trend and take away some insight from the

Oregon Medical Cannabis Patients See Purchase Limits Deeply Reduced

A close up photo of an immature cannabis plant

On Thursday, the OLCC passed a temporary rule which radically changed, without warning, the amount of flower that an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) patient may purchase. Previously, an OMMP patient or caregiver could purchase up to 24 ounces per day from a dispensary. Beginning today, Friday, August 24, that amount

What Does It Costs To Grow Cannabis? Anyone? Bueller?

Man rolling a joint with zig zag papers

I'm starting to think no one likes me. Not uncommon, but still... I've spoken to at least five people, posted on six sites, and sent 10 emails. My only question: "How much does it cost to grow six indoor cannabis plants, from seed or clone, to completion?" That's an important question, because the