On Thursday, the OLCC passed a temporary rule which radically changed, without warning, the amount of flower that an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) patient may purchase. Previously, an OMMP patient or caregiver could purchase up to 24 ounces per day from a dispensary. Beginning today, Friday, August 24, that amount
Tag: Oregon Medical Marijuana Program
Cannabuzz: The Week in Cannabis Cannabis Confusion in the Capital
Two Days At The Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference
Cannabis Is Now Legal In Oregon. What’s Next May Not Work For Everyone.
NOW THAT Measure 91 has passed, it's worth examining the fresh challenges awaiting those in the cannabis industry. First, consider that this is an industry started and developed by outlaws. These are people who have spent years, if not decades, working and living in the shadows. Because of their source of income, most
What Does It Costs To Grow Cannabis? Anyone? Bueller?
Getting An Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Card
Can You Really Fly With 24 Ounces Of Cannabis?
Before 9/11, flying with contraband was... different. Weed and other, more nefarious substances were routinely slipped down pants, into bras, or for the brave and extra paranoid, "keistered." Travelers flying in from weed meccas such as Hawaii or Humboldt often brought examples of the local horticulture, the sale of which paid for