How To Store Your Cannabis

Storing cannabis long-term may not be a pressing issue for those who don’t have a great deal of it, or for those who consume it at a rate where long-term storage isn’t a really a concern. But be it a bountiful homegrown harvest, a great score made from your local dispensary,

DIY Getting High: Making Cannabis Rosin With John “Green Bodhi” Bayes

A jar of cannabis buds sits next to a hair straightening iron and some parchment paper

(The original title of this piece was "He Hath Rosin", a title I still prefer.) Cannabis concentrates go by many names: shatter, wax, dabs, sweat of Freddie Mercury (no, not really). Oftentimes, concentrates are made by using butane or propane as a solvent to extract THC and terpenes from cannabis, resulting in

Can You Really Fly With 24 Ounces Of Cannabis?

A man sits in a row of chairs at an airport, his feet propped up on a piece of luggage. He looks out a window at a plane taking off.

Before 9/11, flying with contraband was... different. Weed and other, more nefarious substances were routinely slipped down pants, into bras, or for the brave and extra paranoid, "keistered." Travelers flying in from weed meccas such as Hawaii or Humboldt often brought examples of the local horticulture, the sale of which paid for