June is Pride Month, and under the administration of President Ragin’ Cage ‘Em, it’s become more important than ever to be a strong ally, and to stand and support your friends, family, and neighbors in LBGTQIA+ communities.
Let them know you see, love, and hear them, and you fight like hell against anyone who seeks to lessen their rights to be the beautiful, strong people there are.
Also, get them high. Seriously.
As a straight, white cis male, I recognize that one of the most important things that I have control over in a increasingly surreal world—and can take immediate, direct action on—is sharing cannabis with members of marginalized groups.
(I mean, vote, and call people out for being homo/trans phobic, duh, but also share your cannabis.)
Under Measure 91, you can gift up to one ounce of flower and other forms of cannabis, so make someone’s Pride lit with some fire.
You can also show your support with the purchase of a limited edition Pax “Rainbow Craze” oil pod, and an engraved Pride Edition Pax Era vaporizer.
It’s a Pride Month collaboration between Pax Labs and Bend-based dispensary and cannabis company Oregrown.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of both the pod and the Era will go to three leading Oregon LGBTQ organizations: PFLAG of Central Oregon, Out Central Oregon, and the Human Dignity Coalition in Portland.
(Full disclosure: My company, OCC, has an event next week that is sponsored by Pax/Oregrown. I did not receive compensation from them for this blog post, nor have I received either of the items mentioned.)
The Rainbow Craze pod is “a hybrid mix with 73.3 percent THC, packed full of tropical flavor,” which sounds refreshing. You can find a list of dispensaries selling the pods here.
And the custom engraved commemorative Oregrown “Everybody Is Free to Love” Pride 2018 Pax Era is available for purchase through the month of June online at oregrown.com(priced at $50, pods not included).
Supporting equal rights for all by buying a cannabis product will make people like Mike Pence very angry and confused about that anger, and why that’s not a thread you want to tug at, the message on the Era is true far beyond just Pride month.